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4 ways in which virtual reality is changing the real estate market and why you should be a part of it


4 ways in which virtual reality is changing the real estate market and why you should be a part of it

Our world used to be small, a countable group of people living in small settlements, which expanded to small cities, then to big urban centers, and simultaneously, we realized worlds beyond our own. But, our world was still small until technology changed how it was perceived and how we interacted with it. Now, we see the universe expanding faster than it did previously, and so do our individual worlds. Though both are entirely separate things, it is amusing how our small world and the big universe are matching pace. With each year bringing revolutionary changes in how we do anything, revolutionary has also changed. Our expectations have risen, as consumers, we want more, as entrepreneurs we want to do more. How we purchase things have changed, how we market things have changed. And these changes are unforgiving of those who resist them. One such change is slowly progressing in the real estate market. The introduction of virtual reality and augmented reality has opened new possibilities in the real estate world, changing how it operates and is approached.


Some ways in which VR and AR are expanding the possibilities of a mostly rigid real estate market are as follows:

  1. Guided sites – These are inclined towards a more traditional promotional video approach but with a little twist. The videos are either fully virtual or have a 360-degree view. These are usually used for existing properties as it makes it simpler to make the video.
  2. Interactive visits – The viewer moves independently around the showcased property by clicking on a hotspot field. It offers a more immersive experience in comparison to guided sites.

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